Overview: The main character is a senior who attends Rinin High School; the only school among the mountain town of Rinin City. The main character, who is the student president of the high school, has another hidden persona. The persona as head of the “Gang Rape Club”
And now—After the Tashio era, the ceremony itself had vanished into the dark history, but had still continued on at Rinin High School; the cruel, improper traditions being inherited over into a secret society through actions carried out by the Gang Rape Club. For generations, the student president of the High School has served as the head of the Gang Rape Club, not allowing even one day to pass uneventfully, submerging numerous women to the dark, suffocating pleasure.
Title: Rinkan Kurabu
Original Title: 輪姦倶楽部
Aliases: Rinkan club, The Group Sex club
VNDB: Rinkan Kurabu
VN length: medium (10-30 hours)
Release date: 21-03-2008 (Japanese); 10-08-2008(English)
Developer: Anime Lilith
Publisher: Anime Lilith
Translator: Dark Translations
Censorship: yes, mosaic
Version: final
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
2- Click on “LPK-30004.exe” to start playing.
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