It’s your first day at college after being home-schooled for your entire life essentially. You have two best friends you’ve known since childhood, but you should come out of your shell and meet new people. But it’s challenging to do that when everyone seems to carry some baggage behind them, and some of them take it out on you. And then it gets worse. Much. Much. Worse. But maybe. Just maybe. You can make it easier for someone out there in the world. If only you knew what’s going on…
Thread Updated: 2024-09-12
Release Date: 2024-09-01
Developer: ChellayTiger Patreon – Itch.io – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.17.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
- Modified the stat values the choice that appears in Kamil’s route after Rex and Kamil leave the frat house gives.
- Modified the stat values one of the choices in the Common Route of Day 2 give depending on what route you are.
- Fixed an inconsistency in a line in Day 4 with new information given in Day 3 of Kamil’s route.
- Fixed an inconsistency where Rex would refer to Liam’s top as a jacket instead of a shirt during Day 1 of Kamil’s route.
- Fixed a typo during Day 2 of Kamil’s route.
- Fixed some variables that was screwing up some dialogue variations in Kamil’s route. Trust me, would have been really bad if left unnoticed for too long.
- Made a few adjustments to some lines in the common route section of Day 4.
- Slightly adjusted Dai’s sprite and some of his expressions.
- A scene only viewable in Day 4 when SFW mode is turned on has been slightly modified.
- Fixed a typo in Kamil’s Day 1.
- Fixed two typos in Kamil’s Day 2.
- Fixed an inconsistency early on in the scene with the teacher in Kamil’s Day 3.
- Fixed four typos in Kamil’s Day 3.
- Modified some lines early on in Kamil’s Day 3 that you’d only see if you made specific choices.
- Added some small animations to the coach early on in Day 3 to better indicate what he’s doing.
- Slightly modified two lines in Day 3.
- Made Liam’s sprite during the sideline running scene slightly bigger so that the bottom of the sprite wouldn’t be seen.
- Yousef and Reggie now appear in one scene in Day 3 where they didn’t have before.
- Combined two lines together.
- Fixed an issue where the game used a generic name for a character despite their name being revealed beforehand.
- Changed the wait timing on a line in Day 4.
- The title at the top left hand corner doesn’t change when you select a route anymore.
- In the previous build, Kamil appeared slightly lower than he was supposed to when you first encounter Vlad. This has now been fixed.
- The start up screen when you first boot up the game has now been modified so that the labels are visible and more settings are available.
- The peeing sound effect has now been properly labeled as a sound effect instead of music in the audio descriptions. No seriously.
- Choices are now slightly lower than they were previously. This was because a certain choice menu had one of the choices go off screen.
- Wyatt now wears a different outfit during Day 1.
- Fixed an inconsistency where a line in Kamil’s Day 3 referred to Gary even if he didn’t interact with you during that scene.
- There’s now a shower sound effect that plays during Kamil’s Day 3.
- Day 1 of Kamil’s route has been adjusted to now include all of the football team (excluding Liam lmao).
- Separated a line in Day 1 of Owen’s route into two.
- Added a wait to one line in Day 3 of Kamil’s route.
- Adjusted the character per speed for a few lines in Day 3.
- Previously, the return button on the history screen was out of the screen, meaning you couldn’t press it and couldn’t escape without right clicking. This has now been fixed.
- Replaced the song that plays during the last segment in the fields in Day 3 of Kamil’s route with a new song.
- The song that plays near the end of Day 3 of Kamil’s route fades out and gets shortly replaced by a new song.
- Changed the song that plays during the “fantasizing” segment in Day 4.
- Fixed a bug where switching to Kamil’s route during Day 2 wouldn’t change the stats you have with Kamil.
- Apparently Brendan appeared in the wrong position at some point in Day 6 of his route if you made certain choices. It should be fixed now.
- Fixed a typo where Dai would refer to the MC as “Rex” when you first meet him instead of the name you gave him.
- Starting working on the Image Descriptions lines. So far I only added one line, that appears when the MC is looking into the mirror.
- Screenshake and self voicing have been added back to the settings menu. You were able to enable self voicing before this point by pressing the V button, but this should be more convenient. Screenshake is only partially functionable, only affecting scenes in Day 3 of Kamil’s route.
- The sprites for Kamil, Liam, and every character introduced in Day 2 of Kamil’s route.
- Changed the outfit Kamil wears during Day 2 of his route to a new one.
- Also completely revamped the sprites of a character. I don’t remember which character it is, but some people might care. Some of his outfits are a work in progress.
- Changed the outfit Wyatt wears in Day 2 of Kamil’s route.
- Changed the outfit the bunny character wears near the beginning of Day 2.
- Split a line early on in Brendan’s Day 6 into two due to it overlapping with the bottom of the textbox.
- Made the transition between the house and the streets on Brendan’s Day 6 more natural.
- Fixed a bug where the game would constantly crash on Day 2 and Day 6 on Brendan’s route if you were on a different route for Day 1 and switched to Brendan’s route while meeting Nemo the maintenance shark.
- Made it so that the game would display the proper arc title if you switched routes.
- Fixed a typo that appears in Day 6 of Brendan’s route.
- Split a line into two in the middle of Brendan’s Day 6 due to it overlapping with the bottom of the textbox in certain text settings.
- Replaced the background during the Carnal variant of the scene in Brendan’s Day 6. Turns out that I typed in the wrong background in the code.
- Changed the music volumes during Brendan’s Day 6.
- Fixed the bug where the game wouldn’t add one of the CGs from Brendan’s Day 6 to the game.
- Fixed the bug where the game would still show a CG it wasn’t supposed to if you had SFW mode on.
- Added one more CG to the Gallery that was missing from the previous version.
- Changed the names of the species listed for Tucker, Liam, Connor, and Owen to remove references to real world countries (ocean in Owen’s case).
- Fixed a mistake where the game would display the MC’s name as “Rex” regardless of what you put as his name in the timeline.
- The arc titles have been changed. They are now more representive of the game’s official names for each of the arcs, although the arc names for Connor, Owen, and Vlad are placeholder.
- Changed the CG you can get during Kamil’s route. This is meant to be a placeholder.
- Changed several animations in Days 1 and 2. Specifically the scene where you meet Tucker and the Tuckettes, the scene where you choose to hug Kamil during his route, possibly in the first day of Connor’s route (?), and the scene in the second day with Connor.
- Slightly modified several of the backgrounds in Kamil’s Day 1 to save space.
- The title screen now changes whenever your last save is on Kamil’s route. Gee, I wonder why this got put in this specific update.
- And yes, Wyatt’s sprite is still unchanged lmaoooo.
- Fixed a pair of bugs where the game would crash twice at the beginning of Day 2 with the police officer.
- Fixed a typo on a choice during Day 1 while you’re in Brendan’s office. I can understand why people didn’t catch this one because it is easy to miss and quite possibly the least likely choice for people to pick or even notice.
- Made a minor change to a line during the scene that plays on Day 1 if you decide that you’re not going to give Wyatt and Liam a chance.
- The choices you make at the beginning of Day 2 if you’re on Kamil’s route are now in quotation marks to correctly indicate that he’s speaking.
- Made a small edit to the content warning that shows up on the start-up screen.
- Updated Brendan’s sprite.
- Updated several CGs, including the CG that depicts the main character, the CG of Brendan that appears in the common route, and the CGs that appear in Connor’s route. The CGs that appear in Brendan’s Route Day 2 and one of the CGs that appear in Brendan’s Route Day 4 also have been modified.
- One of Brendan’s poses in his driving CG has been modified.
- Modified the content warning that starts when you start up the game.
- The Title Screen has been replaced with new art.
- On a related note, the Title Screen now updates when you exit out of a save file that’s on Brendan’s Route. (Old saves may not change the title screen)
- The GUI has been updated! Most menus and interface has been updated. The game now tells you what day you’re on. Hijiri was responsible for making all this new GUI.
- Screenshake, Text color, and Textbox color have been removed from the options menu. Screenshake had no use as it only affected screenshakes that were separated from text, which we didn’t use. Text and textbox color has been removed due to conflicts with the new GUI. If anyone wants any of these options back, please inform me.
- A codex has been added which displays information about terms and characters. Old saves may not work with this.
- Saves now display what route you’re on.
- Changed the song that plays when you start Owen’s route.
- Made a minor edit to a line at the beginning of Brendan’s Day 5
- Made a minor edit to a line at the end of Day 4.
- Fixed a typo to a line near the end of Day 4.
- Fixed typos to two lines near the end of Brendan’s Day 3.
- Fixed a typo to a line in Day 2 if you hung out with Owen.
- Made a minor edit to a line on Day 2.
- Moved a wait in a line near the end of Brendan’s Day 3 so that it wouldn’t displace the period.
- Changed the music that plays in Day 2 during Connor’s scene.
- Removed a duplicate line in Brendan’s Day 2.
- Capitalized the word “dad” in three instances from Brendan’s Day 5 due to it being used as a proper word.
- Added a new variation to the scene that plays in Connor’s Day 1. This is one of the few scenes that I helped write, as I wrote the first draft of the extra scene and then had Nemo edit it all so it can fit within his writing style. I also added variations depending on which variation you picked. Which variation you get affects some things later on in his route.
- Added a sound effect during the scene where you meet Tucker.
- Moved Tucker’s closeup so you’d be able to see Kamil when he gets introduced.
- The CGs that are in Connor’s Route have now been separated. If you were on Connor’s route, then you might have to view those scenes again to get them to appear in the CG gallery again.
- Wyatt’s sprite still isn’t updated ayy lmao
- When Rex enters the frat house on the first day of Kamil’s route, the music now transitions a lot more naturally.
- Modified a line that happens near the end of Day 4 if you have encountered a certain scene variation from Brendan’s Day 2.
- Broke up a line from Brendan’s Day 1 into two due to how it originally went offscreen.
- Changed the background near the end of Brendan’s Day 1 to save a little file space.
- There’s now a new CG in the game on both Days 1 and 2 of Brendan’s route with its own set of expressions.
- There are now fourteen new custom-made songs in the game. Three of these songs are ringtones. Five of these songs were composed by Haoran.
- Brendan’s sprites now indicate if he’s having a boner or not. Previous scenes have retroactively been modified to accommodate this. Yes, you needed to know about this.
- Very slightly modified a scene during Brendan’s Day 2 near the end.
- A few scenes have been modified to include some of Brendan’s new expressions.
- Kamil, Tucker, Liam, and Reggie now have new outfits for Day 1. Tucker and Reggie both have new outfits only in Kamil’s Route. Wyatt meanwhile is still sobbing in the corner from having no update to his sprites.
- Replaced the placeholder icon for the composer, Emma, with the new art he provided me.
- Modified the lustful variation of the scene you have during Brendan’s Day 2 to contain less blur and to make the transitions smoother.
- A new image appears while Rex is in his room at the end of Day 1.
- The common variety n*pon in Brendan’s office background has now been replaced with a tiger plushie to avoid copyright issues.
- Connor’s green shirt has been replaced. The text’s the same but the font and design have changed.
- Changed the line that Rex says if the player chose to snort and look away at Wyatt, you’re on Kamil’s route, you decided to visit him during Day 2. The original line was a placeholder line and wasn’t meant to be part of the final game.
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash if you have two love points with Owen but you don’t have his phone number on Day 3.
- Changed the line Brendan says when he’s offering Rex and Owen to go to an exhibition to better reflect the world-building of the setting.
- Split a line near the end of Day 4 into two due to the text going off-screen.
- Added a transition to another previous CG during Day 4 if you have peeked in on Brendan during Day 1.
- Fixed a slight typo in one of the choices that happen during the scene that happens at the end of Day 4 if you’re on Brendan’s route.
- Nine original new tracks have been added to the game. I’m too lazy to list where they’ve been added but I will say the five of them are related to Brendan’s route, one of them is in the prologue, and two of them are in Day 2.
- In addition, the music that plays on the radio while you’re in the car with Brendan has been changed. This song should be familiar if you have played Barachoda Bloom before.
- The composer, Brkn Hvn, has been added to the start-up screen.
- The About section is a bit different aside from the names of the patrons.
- Owen’s sprite finally has the highlights the other sprites have. I drew this version a while ago and it’s finally in the game.
- The itch.io icon on the menu now links to the game’s itch.io community. This is because I want more posts in the community.
- The Twitter link has been removed as getting Twitter followers isn’t a concern for me anymore and I don’t want too many links on the menu.
- The end of the screen now links to my mailing list. The link to the Patreon has also been temporarily removed.
- There’s a common variety addition to the office background.
- Brendan’s Day 3 has been added, which adds roughly 10k words of content to this build.
- The start-up screen (The screen with the content warnings and the creator’s logos) now has a new transition to the title screen. You can view it by not clicking anything during the start-up screen.
- The logos for Nemo and me have been separated into their sections for the start-up screen.
- Icons that link to my various social media have been added to the menu.
- Some music tracks have been replaced. This includes the title screen music. Most of these are original tracks made by Brkn Hvn, who’s done a lot of other original music for both BYH and Barachoda Bloom.
- A typo that occurs during a specific scene on Brendan’s Day 2 if you have a specific amount of love and lust points with Brendan has been fixed.
- The variation of Connor’s scene when SFW mode is turned on now used to play even if you had SFW mode turned off. So you’d have the regular version play out then the SFW version. This has been fixed.
- The end of the build now links to something else instead of the mailing list. This is for an experiment.
- Some of the text at the end of the build has been rewritten to remove typos.
- Some of the text now only appears in Brendan’s route as you can get to this section on other characters’ routes.
- There’s been an oopsie where if you have gotten Owen’s phone number, peeked at Brendan before coming into his office (or thought horny thoughts about him), and you have enough lust to get the lustful variant of the Day 2 scene but not max lust, the game pretends assumes you’ve gotten the non-lustful variant instead. This should be fixed now. You don’t have to go through Day 2 again.
- Changed the requisites to see certain dialogue appear at the end of Brendan’s Day 3.
- The Maintenance Worker and Dr. Abraham have new sprites. The maintenance worker doesn’t have any expressions but hey no one’s perfect.
- Updated one of Wyatt’s sprites that appeared at the beginning of Day 2. This sprite is still in WIP What is it with Wyatt and having his art unfinished?
- Kamil now has a new outfit. You can view this outfit by coming to him at the fields on Day 1. Reggie, for some reason, is still in his jersey even though he’s going to the lockers but just ignore that for now.
- Changed the android icon because the old one sucked.
- Replaced Connor’s green shi- Oh wait I forgot to do that. Shit. Well, it will be in the next build.
- Added one more instance of Rex’s ringtone playing where it should have played in the previous build when Owen’s texting him.
- Adjusted the sprite positions of Kamil and Tucker during the scene Tucker pulls Rex’s shirt due to his new sprites.
- The bunny girl, Reggie, and Mama Belle are now layeredimages with three expressions instead of the one each of them only had previously. Mistress Morgana also has six expressions now.
- Reggie now doesn’t go off-screen until near the end of the party.
- The transition to Kamil going behind Tucker during the party is changed to vpunch as I thought it fits the scene better.
- Changed the clock in the background during the interrogation to accurately indicate the time the scene’s taking place.
- Updated the sprites for Tucker, Liam, Wyatt, the bunny girl, the elk girl, Reggie, Mistress Morgana, the police officer, and Mama Belle. Note that Wyatt’s sprite isn’t finished yet still.
- Replaced four songs in the game with custom-made tracks. They’re all variations of the theme for the Apex predators. I also removed one song as I couldn’t find a good place for it.
- There’s a slightly different line that shows up in Kamil’s route if you decide to look away when Wyatt asks you and Connor if they had anything to do with you know what.
- Added a wait tag during a line in Brendan’s Day 2 lustful scene.
- Made the transition out of the CG happen when Owen knocks on the door in both the lustful and loving variations.
- Changed the background transitions at the end of Day 2 to better properly reflect the text.
- Modified the background that appears during Owen’s route that shows the protagonist’s house to save file space.
- Changed one of Owen’s expressions to better fit his revised appearance.
- Changed the outro so it only has one link.
- The android build should now have the custom loading screen and icon, but I’m not 100% sure about that.
v0.1.0 Initial Release.
Developer Notes:
By Your Hands is an erotic gay furry murder-mystery visual novel created by me and written by Nemo. This was made for Bara Jam 2022. There will be future updates furthering the story in the future. If you liked this VN, please check out my main VN, Barachoda Bloom.
This VN includes sexually explicit content of homosexual male nature. This game is intended for audiences 18 or older, please do not play this VN if you aren’t at least 18. All of the characters have specific sexual positions. In the near future, I’ll include a document on this page that reveals all the characters you can have sex with and their sexual positions.
Title Screen Music and variations composed by Brkn Hvn.
You can follow me at ChellayTiger for updates on this game.
If you want to support me and get some exclusive content related to the game, such as WIP art, then please consider becoming a patron over here.